About Manifesting Jesus

embodying the energy of Jesus and living a life we love

I am so grateful and excited you are here! I hope that together we can live out a satisfying and enjoyable faith that cultivates more heaven on earth.

I hope this space can serve to support you in manifesting the life you desire with Jesus at your side, and to help examine those spaces where our desires and the loving energy and wisdom teachings of Jesus overlap.

I love bridging together teachings that are commonly referred to as new age and finding where they intersect with the teachings of the Bible. I also just love reflecting on life, faith, Bible analysis, soul care inspiration and encouragement for the divinely human experience.

May we know Jesus as our companion on the way to manifesting the life of our dreams. And as we live out this beautiful life for which we have been made, may we spread the healing love and energy of our Creator.

Joy to you on your journey, friend. I would be honored to walk alongside you. Here’s to practicing consciousness and high vibes together.

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manifesting the life of our dreams with Jesus as our companion


Kate King is passionate about spirituality, wellness and finding the spaces where heaven and earth collide.